Programs V1

our Programs

Explore Our Wide Range Of Programs

Dewey Language School delivers quality and various kinds of language program to tailor to the needs of different people along with a range of support services for those non-resident who choose to travel to Canada to immerse themselves in an English environment. 

We offer ‘3E’ programs which are English Enrichment Program (EEP), Exchange Program and English Proficiency Preparation (EPP).     

EEP Programs

Dewey’s English Enrichment Program is unique in many ways for its intended to provide a world class language learning experience for non-native speakers. The program has been prepared with a strong research to lay strong foundations in all four skills of English language while providing lots of classroom interaction and practical application opportunities to practice English. 

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Other Programs

This program includes both short term and long term exchange opportunities. The short term camps mainly fall on summer and winter vacation; while the duration of long term program varies from 1-3 months and 3-6 months. Through the cultural exploration here in Canada, students’ ability in English will also be enhanced imperceptibly.
As a partner of many professional and proficiency test centers, we offer English Proficiency Preparation for our participants to meet their requirements in different tests and exams.

English Proficiency Preparation

our mentors

They'll guide you from day one.

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